Are you experiencing low energy levels, hair loss, thinning of the outer 3rd portion of your eyebrows, struggling to lose weight despite a clean diet and exercise, feeling anxious or depressed? You may be suffering from a sluggish thyroid.
To heal any thyroid dysfunction, determining the root cause is a must. You can take as all the thyroid medication you like, but until you address the underlying reason why you're experiencing thyroid dysfunction, you're just covering up the symptoms!
Here are just a few underlying causes of thyroid dysfunction you may not be aware of:
- underlying inflammation
- digestive problems
- toxicity (congested liver; heavy metal body burdens)
- high stress hormones
- autoimmune dysfuntion
- nutrient deficiencies
- hidden food sensitivities
The good news is there's plenty you can do....
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Stay motivated with these empowering and informational daily tips on diet, nutrition, hormones, fitness and healthy living.
Have a Happy, Healthy Day!