Saturday 26 December 2015

KataDoFit ® Program

The real Martial Art is the one that is seen as an a Art for Life, done with heART and grounded on eARTh, as a peaceful state of mind and with their values can give U a healthier and happier life. The philosophy of the real MA when is really absorbed by someone can provide true “help” to a person.
All of us know what is Fitness, but most just don’t even think beyond the “I’m in shape, look at my strenght!”. But Fit means much more, Fit is fun, fit is a state of mind and body, be fit is to be mindful awareness to life as at the same time we are completely awareness of our body capacities.
Now imagine apply both of the concepts in (y)our life: the philosophy of MA to the mindfulness of Fit among the body shape.

That is KataDoFit ®.

Of course there isn’t two cases alike, and I can not give U the key. Just don’t accept “the key” from anyone, U deserve more and better.

Let’s apply this philosophy to your life, lets practice KataDoFit!

Whatever both of us decide, yes U are gonna be an important – vital – part on choosing the way, we just gonna train having fun, focus and discipline.

Inside and outside our studios, in your home or office, but most of all in (y)our LIFE.