Friday 11 December 2015

LIFE MENTORING 4 Artists Program - "Art Mentoring"

"heARTh is a way of Living" 

We will stand beside you as you discover and work to build the most important form of ART: the best person and artist that you can be. 

The concept and method of Art Mentoring comes from a passion, a calling and more than 20 years of experience and formation in the areas of health and art.

Artists due to their sensitivity and a lot of stress in the creative process, are individuals who need to be monitored to maintain a balance in general and their health. In ART MENTORING, we have an equal priority to make it happen, with a healthy balance, the projects/goals of each artist.

Artists may create or develop art pieces; but it is extremely difficult for the artist alone to develop his career, his own image, if the artistic process is a lonely process, the development process of an artist is not. In particular, the art mentor is in charge of the Artist, his well-being and his Artwork globally, overall visual appearance and how it communicates visually, stimulates moods, contrasts features, and psychologically appeals to a target audience. The art mentor makes decisions with the artist and always with his personal objective in mind, the art mentor makes it happen, more than a manager, art dealer or art producer who, the main focus is the commercial area, the Art Mentor main focus is in the global health and balance of the artist as well as its’ image and balance as a human being, this way everything is possible and the artist can put more focus in his art work.

One of the most difficult problems that the artists face is to translate desired moods, messages, concepts, and underdeveloped ideas into imagery, here is crucial the support and tutoring of the Art Mentor. During the brainstorming process, artist and Mentor are engaged in imagining what the finished piece, performance, book or exhibition might look like, as well as its’ image and emotional, social, psychological and physical health. 

At times, an art mentor is ultimately responsible for solidifying the vision of the collective imagination while resolving a conflicting agenda and inconsistencies between the various individual inputs.

4 more information contact us using the Contact Form