Links to Proff's Studio Areas: (press over the titles.)
Health  -    Since 1990             We are Health Professionals.
With our Multidisciplinary Approach that combine Physical Medicine, Behavioural Medicine and Integrative Medicine we follow, guide and monitor all conditions, pathologies, personal and professional objectives of individuals, small groups and corporates.

Art  -  Searching for the essence of art, for aesthetics and taste, the passion of creation and appreciation of beauty. Useful Art. 

Life  -  Proff's Team - Life's Entrepreneurs          "For a Neat Life."
We are a team of Life Entrepreneurs.
Which means that we have undertaken in areas that are truly important for life, for the life of the human being, of our planet and of all earthlings.
We operate as Project Consultants. Our core projects areas are health, art and life/environment/social.
MAKE PART OF OUR TEAM by NETWORKING we are 100% interested in what you have for us.
CONTACT US by CONTACT FORM in the Blogs or by email, phone, skype or Linkedin.
Mobile: 00351 916 424 354 (Lisbon/Portugal)

Email & Skype: Proff's Studio
Kind regards,
Prof. Pedro Proff