Zazen settles by thinking not-thinking; Qigong moves by doing not-doing. Together they offer a Way to realize our lives with ease and joy, meeting each moment with our whole body and mind. 
Practice is not a preparation for some future event; it is always now. Whether in sitting meditation (zazen), moving meditation (qigong), relationship meditation (psychotherapy) or in mountain meditation (trekking) we actualize ourselves by finding our place where we are. We discover who we are through how we respond, harmonizing with non stop flow. 
Zen emphasizes returning to stillness, finding the movement at its heart rising and falling. Qigong's energy moves in streams supported by the stillness of the earth that bears all and the sky that embraces all. Sitting quietly, doing nothing in Zen provides a refuge from the busyness of daily ventures; exercising the forms of qigong provides a source of effortless effort in the midst of our daily activities.
Zen Chi Kung aims at letting go of personal gains to foster liberation from suffering for all beings and encourages each of us to live an long, healthy and happy life. Complementing and completing like a box and its lid, each is complete in itself and all-pervading in their union. The mind with which we exercise our lives is the body of our practice.

Zen is simple and "Simple is Good."