Sunday 26 March 2017

NLP for Memory

 First of all, bear in mind that your memory can be improved not only through NLP, but with frequent brain training exercises and proper nutrition as well. You can only achieve lasting effects if you use NLP techniques in addition to a proper brain fitness routine consisting of diet and exercises. For this chapter’s NLP exercise, you will attempt to improve your memory by utilizing visual recognition. Notice that your brain stores particularly higher quality memories using visual cues instead of auditory cues. According to numerous research, visual recognition is more reliable than auditory recognition overall. This is why sometimes you can remember a face, but cannot remember the name.  

Step 1 – Visual Strategy Using visual cues is a common tool for learning. Even so, you’ll need to master your access with your visual memories. Close your eyes and focus on images of the past and try to identify them. For example, what particular images remind you of your house as a child? Is it the white fence? An old clock hanging by a wall? For the next 5 minutes, try to organize your visual cues by identifying which memory they are associated with. 

Step 2 – Take Visual “Snapshots” From this step onwards, you basically have to go back to your daily activities. But this time, try to constantly identify and remember visual cues in your surroundings to help you ‘store’ the experience in your long-term memory. 

Step 3 – Open your Eyes Remember not to only focus on auditory information whenever learning something. Practice changing how you speak with people, read, watch videos, or perform any other learning experience so that you could take more visual snapshots for your reference in the future.