Saturday 24 June 2017

people's movements are destroying the darkest dreams of the far-right

Avaaz's profile photo

Dear friends, 

From the chaos, something beautiful is emerging -- people's movements are destroying the darkest dreams of the far-right and carving out a new and exciting path forward for all of us. 

Our amazing movement has been in the middle of this global battle… and winning! 

We are turning the tide on Brexit

Britain's election decimated conservative Theresa May and her Brexit plans, even opening up a return to a unified Europe -- thanks in part to a massive tactical voting and youth turnout campaign that won in 90% of the districts we took on! 

"Avaaz members across Britain played a powerful role in helping to reshape our politics from the ground up."
-- Frances Foley, Progressive Alliance

We helped halt the far-right in France

Outsider Macron blew open France, sweeping to the presidency on a platform of tolerance and hope, winning an historic majority in Parliament and keeping the far-right Le Pen at a measly 8 seats (out of 577!). Our viral election video had millions of views, and our major get out the vote effort against Le Pen reached more people than most major parties! 

We have Monsanto on the back foot in Europe

Over a million people added their name to an official call to ban Monsanto’s best-selling poison glyphosate, triggering a debate and response from Europe's Parliament and potentially derailing a plan to allow this chemical to cover our food -- and our movement supercharged the campaign's record breaking growth! 

And that's just in the last month! There's so much more we've achieved together in the face of the most divisive, anti-democratic, far-right forces everywhere: 

We protected Bedouin homes from settlers

A small Bedouin community facing annihilation at the hands of Israel's soldiers delayed demolition of their community and created a beautiful symbol of resistance, with a giant stone sign reading "We shall remain" right across from a settlement -- and our staff and members were key to the action and mobilizing international media attention that protected their homes!
Heading about pope mountain

We helped defeat hate in the Netherlands

A racist, Trump-style politician poised to take over the Netherlands, suffered a crushing loss in the election -- thanks in part to a massive march for unity in Amsterdam and our viral election advertising linking him to Trump!
Heading about dutch election

We’re taking Trump to court for climate crimes

When Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, our community raised money for a group of awesome kids to sue the President for putting their future at risk. This groundbreaking legal case could force the US to act against climate change!
Heading about Trump

It’s all a stunning reminder that in humanity’s darkest moments, the brightest lights can flicker into life. Over 50 years ago this week, three civil rights leaders were abducted and murdered by the far-right KKK in the US. Hatred was rising and gaining power. But a powerful movement rose to meet it, and in the following four years, two different Civil Rights Acts were passed, paving the way towards a more equal future for everyone.

These are the stories of history that inspire me in dark times -- moments when people fought hard in the face of apparently insurmountable odds, and won, giving generations to come shining examples of the transformations that people power can bring into the world.

Let’s keep fighting and writing this new story of hope, together.

With respect and admiration,

Bert, Luis, Emma, Luca, Fatima, Julie, Mike and the whole team at Avaaz

P.S. If you are new to Avaaz, or just want to look back at what this amazing movement has achieved before this year, check out our highlights page