Saturday 28 October 2017

Become master of your own destiny (1)

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Remember that nothing can exist without having been imagined, dreamed or thought of. Creativity is the human being’s greatest power. We are the only species, animal, vegetable or mineral, that can consciously create our own reality. As you enter into and persevere throughout the growth process, remain MINDFUL and understand that the only reality there is, exists in the inner realm. All else is illusion. Before becoming visible, everything is created in the invisible. Stay conscious of this truth at all times and you will become master of your own destiny.

wishing you a healthy and wealthy life,

Pedro Proff

"For a Neat Life"

Pedro Proff ®
INPI Patent nº 523332
Education, training, entertainment services, cultural activities and sports

Life Mentoring Method ®
"The ART OF learning to be yoUrself"
INPI Patent nº 537386
Education, training, entertainment services, cultural activities and sports