Sunday 26 November 2017

Become the master of your own destiny (5)

Remember that nothing can exist without having been imagined, dreamed or thought of. Creativity is the human being’s greatest power. We are the only species, animal, vegetable or mineral, that can consciously create our own reality. As you enter into and persevere throughout the growth process, remain MINDFUL and understand that the only reality there is, exists in the inner realm. All else is illusion. Before becoming visible, everything is created in the invisible. Stay conscious of this truth at all times and you will become master of your own destiny. Taking responsibility for your own growth will put you in direct alignment with The Divine Law (Universe) and accelerate the process.
The only reason you have not accomplished what you have wanted to in your life thus far is because you did not BELIEVE it was possible. You did not have FAITH.
One of the greatest mistakes we make as human beings is failing to accept this power. REMEMBER, thoughts are energy! Once your thoughts are clear, you will be able to manifest, to create whatever you want. This is a fundamental law of physics.
The energy created by clear thought becomes actual, physical energy, to be molded into RESULTS.
Of primary importance is the realization that the subconscious reacts to ALL of your thoughts, therefore, if your mental processes are muddled and confused, the subconscious will also be confused and unable to manifest your desires.
CLEARLY define and visualize your desires, nurture them and make them grow strong! How discouraging to think that everything that happens to you is caused by outside influence. Imagine! If you feel others are responsible for your unhappiness, you will have to wait until they do something about it in order for you to be happy! If you are sick and blame someone or something outside yourself (whether you are blaming heredity or the weather, or whatever) you will have to be patient and wait until these outside influences change before you can be healthy!
Are you ready and willing to wait this long?
Do you like feeling powerless?
Doesn’t it make more sense to create your own health and your own life?

Take responsibility for your life NOW - know that THIS INSTANT YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE…YOURSELF!

You CAN learn to see the cup as half full rather than half empty! Once you learn to live from your heart instead of from your head, you will see through the eyes of love - you will see beauty and goodness all around you. Can you imagine feeling “in love with life” at all times?

Reality is what you perceive it to be - what you perceive as the truth will become your truth. Be selective with what you feed your mind. Take a minute to visualize yourself in a joyful scene and your body will feel happiness. Now see yourself as being lonely, your body will feel sadness. In an instant you changed your life. Train yourself to see beauty beyond ugliness, love beyond criticism. Being spiritual is to see love (GOD) and beauty everywhere, in everything and everyone.. By becoming reacquainted with your true self, the shell of your personality (or ego) will fall away and you will no longer need to define yourself by what others have perceived you to be. In more familiar terms, you will have “found yourself”…your true self. The facade that was once your ego will be changed.

It will no longer be an obstacle in your life and YOU WILL BE FREE TO BE YOU!

Studies indicate that the average human being is 90% unconscious (only 10% conscious) of what they do, say, think and feel. Surprising, isn’t it? Which means that you use 90% of your time per day acting, talking and thinking unconsciously. We will try together to modify your state of unconsciousness because becoming aware of what we feel, think, say or do is instrumental in getting what we want out of life.

Interestingly enough, the subconscious mind is like a computer. It can register up to 10,000 messages a day. It does not differentiate between correct and incorrect information - everything is undisputed fact. From the time of your conception and throughout your life, everything that is said, seen, heard and perceived by your senses has been registered. Here is an example of the capabilities of the subconscious mind: As you travel to work, it absorbs every billboard, every passerby, even the names of every street you pass. Every sound, sight and smell is dutifully recorded. It is the duty of your subconscious mind to act as a buffer for the conscious mind. For the conscious mind to absorb and register all of this information would be overwhelming. It would be impossible to try and assimilate even a fraction of it. The subconscious mind understands only the images that are reflected in your mind. That’s why, when someone says “I don’t want to have cancer”, a picture is formed in the subconscious mind of someone who is dying of cancer. This person is unconsciously creating a cancer. Instead, she should visualize what she wants by saying “I want to be healthy”. The subconscious mind will then relate to an image of a healthy body. REMEMBER: The subconscious mind does not understand positive or negative WORDS, only the IMAGES. When you imagine what you don’t want, the image in your mind is of exactly that but without the “don’t”. The subconscious mind does not reason: it accepts everything in the same way a computer accepts data. You can only retrieve what has been inputted. If you were to ask a computer the solution to three times four (3x4) when your intention was to find the solution to four times four (4x4), it will inevitably answer twelve (12) because it cannot guess that you made a mistake. It accepts orders as they are given. Likewise your subconscious mind registers every bit of information that has been inputted - and you function accordingly. You are constantly being fed information that may or may not be useful to you. How many times have you read an advertisement for a product, glanced at a billboard or watched a television commercial without being aware of consciously doing so?

This information was being absorbed by your subconscious mind -the same process used in HYPNOSIS! Suddenly you find yourself in a supermarket with a strong desire to purchase that product, not realizing that you have been kind of hypnotized into it! Most of us have no idea what vast quantities of information we register and to what degree we respond to this information. It is very important for you to be more conscious of what you allow into your subconscious mind. The subconscious can only help you to manifest what it has been fed. If you do not take some control of that information, what will be manifested will be chaos. Continuously entertaining fears or surrounding yourself with negative people and situations will cause your subconscious mind to know only negativity - and that’s what will continue to manifest in your life. An act as seemingly innocent as leaving your radio on while you are driving fills your subconscious with bad news and you become worried and fearful without understanding why! Your subconscious mind reacts to the most recent information it receives on a given subject. For example: imagine your subconscious mind is a taxi driver and your thought is the passenger. It asks the driver to go to 123 First Street. He heads in that direction according to the information given him. Minutes later you decide you are in error and need to get to 456 Tenth Street instead. The driver will have to change direction. Like the taxi driver, your subconscious mind reacts to the most recent information. You must understand that your subconscious mind must be given clear directions in order for you to get where you want to go. Like the taxi driver, the subconscious mind, having been given a number of different instructions, will become impatient and demand “Make up your mind!”

 Do not focus on the obstacles - focus on the goal and act in that direction - you will reap in proportion to what you sow. Give your subconscious mind the order and let it guide you. You will get there the same way you do when you tell your taxi driver where you want to go. There is no need to tell him how to get there, he knows the best way. Do not let the opinions of others influence you. It is best not to reveal your intentions to others, as it triggers reactions in them based on their own obstacles. These obstacles, as others will express them to you, will be heard by your subconscious mind and will become obstacles to you on your own path. You will begin to doubt your dreams. “Maybe I’m moving too fast” or “I will never have enough money to do this” or “I don’t really deserve this” (for whatever reason - I’m sure you can come up with many). As you let these doubts seep into your subconscious mind, you will interrupt the momentum. As you create obstacles, your subconscious mind interprets as follows: “We will not have this result”. Having lost momentum, it is possible to gain it back, just by reprogramming the subconscious with positive and motivating thoughts consistently.

THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND REACTS ONLY TO ITS MOST RECENT INFORMATION. Human beings are continuously inconsistent in their thinking. We must learn to increase our capacity for concentration - to focus - in order to get where we are going. START NOW! Visualize your ideal life. Would you like to be surrounded by love? …to have better relationships with your family? …to have a job that you find fulfilling? Your subconscious mind will help you achieve anything you desire. It is up to you to learn to work with it and to learn to harness the power that it has.
TAKE ACTION! If you are unhappy with your job, take the time to visualize yourself finding the perfect job for you - get excited about it and feel it as if it were real. Put your subconscious to work on manifesting your perfect job by understanding what that job “feels like”. If you become too analytical about what you require of your perfect job (i.e.: a certain type of boss, a specific location, etc.), you will minimize your chances of finding it. It will minimize your options by giving your subconscious mind fewer places to look. It would be like telling your taxi driver which streets to take to get you to your destination… it could take much longer and cost you more. Trust that he will use his knowledge and expertise to get you there in the most expedient manner.