Friday 8 December 2017

Become the master of your own destiny (6)

If you are unhappy with the consequences of your decisions, change your decisions. ONLY YOU CAN CREATE YOUR LIFE! In understanding this fully, you will also understand that others are also solely responsible for theirs. Let them take on that responsibility for their own sake and yours.

RESPONSIBILITY is defined as “a moral obligation to assume the consequences of our choices”. EACH OF US IS FUNDAMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS/HER OWN EVOLUTION: thereby each of us is responsible for the outcome of our own “soul purpose”. Thus, only we are accountable for our own decisions and must accept the consequences of our actions and reactions. “Human Responsibility” does not mean that we are being held accountable for the decisions of others.

It may be a difficult notion to accept, but you have been responsible for your life since your childwood.

As long as you have the slightest doubt about this, you will not be in a position to change your life. You must understand this concept and take full responsibility in order to become empowered enough to take control of your life.

How many parents feel they have failed in their parenting? Why? Their children have not met their expectations- they have quit school or become thieves, they’ve spent time in jail or become drug addicts, or gotten themselves in any number of predicaments. Parents who blame themselves have assumed they are responsible for the decisions and choices made by their children. This is contrary to one of the great natural laws. Great universal laws have been eternally in place to manage the universe: they are the physical, cosmic, psychic and spiritual laws that will be maintained regardless of how we choose to behave. We will suffer the consequences of contradicting these laws by experiencing disease, accidents and unhappiness. Breaking physical laws results in very obvious consequences.

We are each responsible for ourselves - our “being”, our “belongings”. Feeling responsible for the actions and feelings of others can result in our own feelings of guilt. This is very uncomfortable for us, even more so when the expectations we have toward others are unmet. Disappointment, anger and frustration are the result - all of which cause despair and disease.

This is the Law of Responsability, start now to be responsible for you as for your choises.

wishing you a healthy and wealthy life,

Pedro Proff & Fanni Major

"For a Neat Life"

Pedro Proff ®
INPI Patent nº 523332 
Education, training, entertainment services, cultural activities and sports

Life Mentoring Method ®
"The ART OF learning to be yoUrself"
INPI Patent nº 537386
Education, training, entertainment services, cultural activities and sports