Saturday 4 November 2017

Become master of your own destiny (2)

Physical pain is definitely a bad thing. We all try to avoid it, it's a fact. We do it by healing symptoms, diseases, doing sports, eating healthily, keeping our immune system balanced, we try everything to keep our physical immunity strong. But it is also scientific and public knowledge that emotions / heart / mind represent one or even the fundamental role in the homeostasis of our being.
Mental pain is even worse than physical pain, so we should also learn to relieve it.
I do not intend to diminish the importance of physical suffering but I intend to call reason by sharing the importance in the management and control of our emotions and mind.
What is this mental immunity? Mental immunity consists of learning, training, avoiding destructive emotions, people, thoughts and environments, and developing positive ones. A huge percentage of our unhappiness and suffering come from within our mind and heart.
Understanding the mind by analyzing our different mental states, the thoughts / emotions we experience throughout our day.
Understanding this reality, we learn to deal with the mind and thus to take preventive measures.
Just as a healthy immune system and a healthy constitution protects the body, mental immunity through a strong and calm mind protects us from negative thoughts, feelings and perceptions.
It is common knowledge that if they are strong in health we are less susceptible to contracting diseases through viruses, but if our health is weak even the simplest virus becomes dangerous.
So if the mind is solid, in suggesting disturbances we will experience some sorrow, but recovery will be quicker and even more solid, yet if the mind is weakened even the simplest and smallest problems of the day will provoke pain and suffering.
There are no miraculous pills, the solution to suffering is mental immunity, and this takes time to be developed through training as well as physical training.